Everyone encounters someone who has had or does have the flu at one point or another in their lives. How are people supposed to disinfect their homes when a family member has the flu? Should they toss everything can be washed into the washing machine? Should they scrub down al of the surfaces with a disinfectant? None of those things should occur. It has been determined that it is more beneficial to spend serious time cleaning areas of high usage in the home. It has also been determined that how one cleans is also important.
Top Things to Disinfect:
Cell Phones and Remote Controls – Cellphones are one of the dirtiest and most frequently used items that people possess. When people are sick, they most likely lay on the couch and watch television or play on their phone. Thus, spreading their germs to these items. Germs are also spread to a cellphone when speaking on the phone and holding it to you face. The easiest way to transfer germs is through the nose and mouth.
Bathroom – Bathrooms should be cleaned frequently when someone is sick. This is because germs are passed from the ill person to any surface that they touch, i.e. sinks, doorknobs, toilet handles. If these surfaces are not cleaned frequently then the germs will spread to those who are not sick. When cleaning the bathroom, a separate towel should be used to clean each individual surface.
Tables – This includes the kitchen table, any bedside tables and end tables. These are areas that have a high probability of being touched by everyone within a home. These surfaces should be cleaned often when someone is sick to reduce the transfer of germs.
Computers – Along with cellphones, computers are also high use devices. Computers are also hard to clean. Homeowners should consult with the user manual for how to clean the computer. However, most computer screens and keyboards can be cleaned with alcohol wipes or paper towels with disinfectant on it.
Linens – Linens are the most obvious object in the home that should be cleaned/disinfected when someone in the home is sick. These items should be washed in hot water with a good detergent. Stuffed animals that are washing machine safe can also be included. Once everything is in the washing machine, whoever is handling the items should wash their hands to avoid the further spread of germs.
How to Disinfect
Disinfecting surfaces in the home should be a regular part of the cleaning regimen within the home. However, when someone in the home is sick this should happen more frequently. First, homeowners should make sure that they have a disinfectant that is up for the job. The CDC keeps an up to date list of the most effective disinfectants. Sponges and reusable rags should not be used to wipe up as they just spread dirt around. It is more effective to use paper towels or disinfectant wipes. Each wipe or paper towel should only be used for one surface and not multiple surfaces. After cleaning and disinfecting surfaces the person, if they did not wear gloves, should wash their hands.
Washing hands is always important, however, when someone in the home is sick, everyone in the home should wash their hands frequently. Hand sanitizer should also be used if hand washing is not an option. Gloves should be used when cleaning or disinfecting anything that a person who is sick has touched.
If the illness seems to be more than just the flu, then professionals should be called in to clean and disinfect the home.
About First Choice Restoration
First Choice Restoration is a water, mold, fire, and smoke remediation company headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. The company also operates additional offices throughout other areas of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Delaware. The company has been assisting homeowners and businesses with water, mold, fire, and smoke cleanup for over 40 years.